Tuesday, May 20, 2008


(12) After watching the movie The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman I did not at first understand how the movie was connected to Christianity. After analyzing what I watched and listening to Mr. Hughes I was able to make a few connections. The movie comes off to be just a fantasy film with an interesting story line. Once looking into it, I was able to see how the magisterium in the film related back to the catholic church. Through out the film there was also a lot mentioned about ancestors, and though it was not directly stated; the ancestors the film was referring to are Adam and Eve. After doing further research, it was made clear that a free thinker is a person who forms their own opinions about religion on the basis of reason. Thus including atheists, This being said it is seems that Philip Pullman was trying to attack Christianity in some form. I also viewed several sites where people were bashing Pullman, claiming he is trying to lead children to become atheists and is attacking Christianity. And though Pullmans books relate back to Christianity much more than the movie, the movie is still a watered down version. In response Pullman states "[His Dark Materials is] a story, not a treatise, not a sermon or a work of philosophy. I'm telling a story, I'm showing various characters whom I've invented saying things and doing things and acting out beliefs which they have, and not necessarily which I have. The tendency of the whole thing might be this or it might be that, but what I'm doing is telling a story, not preaching a sermon." After viewing that it is hard to tell why Pullman made this movie, was an attempt that in hopes children would see the movie, like it, then want to read the books? Or was it simply a story meant only to entertain children? This is hard to answer, because yes I viewed the movie and at first was not able make any connections, therefor I am assuming children would not make a connection either. The Golden Compass is a fictional story written by an atheists, the goals of the movie are hard to determine. Though it seems as if the public would have changed their opinions about Pullman, if it was not known that he was an atheists.

Works Cited

"What is a Freethinker?." Freedom From Religion Foundation.

"Quotes." His Dark CR 2003-2008. http://www.hisdark

Friday, May 16, 2008


(11) Well next year is our last year of high school, and graduation is approching fast. It’s amazing how fast high school went by. Growing up I always planned that I would attend LSU after high school, but now im not so sure. It’s not that I don’t think I would get in its just I am not sure LSU is the best school for me. LSU is a very large school and I am not sure if I can deal with all the people. So as far as college goes I am not really sure what is going to happen. I am also facing another problem, I am still not sure what I want to major in. I would love to major in theatre or photography, but I know that neither career is very rewarding; nor the chances of making it big in either are slim. Therefore I have been exploring the options of becoming a teacher. And if that is the case then I am pretty sure I will not be attending LSU. Other than schooling I also hope to meet the right guy and become married by twenty five. After im married I would like to have either two or three kids. I also hope that I get a chance to travel a little, and just have some fun. I just want to take life day by day and see where it takes me

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

10 Outfoxed- Qualified Defense

(10) Robert Greenwald, director of documentary Outfoxed, attempts to expose Fox news as an unreliable source of the truth. The documentary was first secretly released in New York, though soon began to air regularly. And why many viewers disagree with how the video was made, the claims made by Robert Greenwald are generally true; thus causing controversy with those who relied on Fox for their daily news. This documentary includes many interviews from former Fox employees who claim that they were forced to give "right winged" reports, having to throw in their own opinions. Which is why the majority of Fox reporters began their reports with quotes like "some people say" or "some say." This is done in order for reporters to use their own opinion's, without the public knowing. Some claims made in the documentary expose many reporters as harsh liars, much how Bill O'Reilly was depicted. Bill O'Reilly was not only depicted as a liar, but as being too harsh to his guest. These claims were found to be true when O'Reilly claimed to have only told one person to shut up, when in fact Robert Greenwald put together a series of clips showing that O'Reilly has told many people to "Shut up." It is also found that most viewers whom watch Fox News receive many misconceptions about the war in Iraq. When asked 80% of Fox viewers still believe that Iraq is directly connected with 911, and that the US found nuclear bombs; these claims of course being false. So why is it Fox News attempts to twist up their stories, is it to strike fear in the citizens, or could it be a way of controlling the people?

Works Cited

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Life! What can I say it tends to get confusing sometimes. It sure has its ups and downs, and the past few weeks have been kinda rough. About three weeks ago me and Derek broke up, it was hard at first but things will only get better. But I have to be honest I miss that boy sometimes. Owell thats life. Then to make things more confusing it has been hard to tell if some of my friends, are really my friends. And the one person who I wasnt too sure about at first, turned out to be one of my best friends. Yea that would be Kyrstin, me and her have been hanging out a lot lately and I know she is always there for me. Not only her I have other really great friends like: Raeven, Jordan, Cheri, and Jessica. I love you girls. Other than that, and a couple other little dramatic things, things have been about normal. I spend most of my day at school, and my nights at Ralphs. Yea I am still working there and its going on about a year and 5 months not, crazy right. Though i do get off every Tuesday and Friday so thats cool. Life is full of little surprises, you just need to take it day by day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


(8) Having a child is a great responsibility, and if that responsibility seems too overwhelming, should one really turn to murder? Murder is a crime and a crime should not go unpunished. Taking the life of a child is wrong, and if a woman takes the responsibility of a child, she should have to face the consequences. Murder is illegal, therefore abortion should be illegal, abortion is murder, and unless the health care of the child or the mother would be affected by the birth; abortion should not be an option.

Assuming that most abortions are wrong, and becoming pregnant is not always voluntary; there are still alternatives to murder. It is a fact that not all woman become pregnant by choice, but in those situations, there are alternatives. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, it dose mean she has to raise that child; adoption is an option. With all the families out there that are unable to reproduce, the success rate of adoption is continuously increasing. Another reason woman turn to abortion is because of financial burdens. In response to that, the woman could turn to the government. The government provides many forms of help through WIC, food stamps, and other programs. Addressing the exception to abortion, unless death will occur naturally at birth, killing an unborn child is not acceptable.

Once a child is conceived, the child is a living breathing human, conception is not the child's fault, therefore, the child should be given a chance to live. There is no reason abortion should be considered, with all the help from the government, and outside alternatives; it makes no since why would one turn to murder? Murder is the unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice. And abortion is just that, the killing of one human by another. Therefore if murder is considered unlawful and illegal, abortion should be as well. After conception occurs, the child begins developing in the womb; making the child a living thinking human. Killing of that child would be murder.

In conclusion it is apparent that if one considers a fetus a child, then one should consider abortion murder. Murder is a crime, and the consequences of it are severe; the consequences of abortion should be no different. Allowing abortion to be legal, is the same as allowing murder to be legal.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


(7) Jack Johnson's song "Inaudible Melodies" from the album Brushfire Fairytales , is an attempt to break down a persons life. The news speaks of "Brushfire fairytales," the events that we hear about, but do not take out the time to care. Then you hear about the "Itsy bitsy diamond wells," which is the small amount of good, offered to the people through the news. Which leads to the "Big fat hurricanes," the big events that the news is based around. Then you see the "Yellow bellied giving names," the people who blame others, for crimes they may or may not have committed. Throughout life you also find those who try and get around the truth, "Well shortcuts may slow you down," meaning there will always be obstacles you will have to face. Going into "And in the end we're bound," and "To rebound off of we," meaning as much as we try to get around things, we will always end up back where we started.

"Well dust off your thinking caps," meaning listen to what is going on but do not try and think to hard about it. Just consider what your being told, and be aware of what is happening around you. "Solar powered plastic plants," meaning we try to hard to avoid he truth. And then By having "Pretty pictures of what we ate" the only outcome is that, "We are only what we hate." We care so much about the things we do not like, it becomes part of us. And if we would just take the time to enjoy the simple things we would enjoy them much more,"But in the long run we have found, Silent films are full of sound." And when that happens we are "Inaudibly free," free of sound.

It then becomes noticeable that we start moving through life as though we are racing through it,"Slow down everyone, You're moving too fast," we need to take time out of our day to stop and enjoy the good things. "Frames can't catch you when, you're moving like that," if we do not slow down life will pass us by; like we were not even there.

"Inaudible melodies," melodies without sound. Our lives are based around guide lines,"Frame-lines tell me what to see;" but we need to think for ourselves, do not let others influence your decisions. And even the greats can take a break,"Maybe Einstein should just relax;" try not and think to hard about your choices. Just let life take you day by day, and dont let future problems scare you.

Then there are those who only believe in what is given to them,"Well Plato's cave is full of freaks." And when faced with the truth they begin,"Demanding refunds for the things they've seen;" do not doubt everything your faced with, question it, but try not to run away. "I wish they could believe, In all the things that never made the screen;" to every problem there may be more than one solution, and it is alright to explore the options.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


(6) Pearl Jam's song "Jeremy" is a very controversial song, that allows the its viewers to to form their own opinions. Throughout the song there is a very bitter and heartfelt tone, that appeals to the audiences emotions. "With him on top lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V," Jeremy creates himself a fantasy world, where he is king. "Daddy didn't give attention oh, the fact the mommy didn't care," related back to his home life. Jeremy was left out, didn't get attention, and felt his only escape to happiness; was a fantasy world.

By being picked on in class, and left out at home, the stress finally built up. Therefore when "Jeremy spoke out in class today," i don't understand the surprised reactions. Though having Jeremy blow up, was not an intentional gesture. yet due to no one giving Jeremy any attention, they had to face the consequences of their actions. "It seemed harmless," here we see guilt setting in when a bully realizes how one persons actions, affect anothers.

To better understand the the message of the song, we read the viewed the music video. The final scene leaving the audience to come up with their own ending. That in which makes the song and video so controversial. In the end Jeremy commits suicide, though if he shoot everyone else is up to you. Jeremy was looked at as a killer, but we realize he was just a confused kid, who no longer knew how to deal with the pressures of life.