Tuesday, March 11, 2008


(7) Jack Johnson's song "Inaudible Melodies" from the album Brushfire Fairytales , is an attempt to break down a persons life. The news speaks of "Brushfire fairytales," the events that we hear about, but do not take out the time to care. Then you hear about the "Itsy bitsy diamond wells," which is the small amount of good, offered to the people through the news. Which leads to the "Big fat hurricanes," the big events that the news is based around. Then you see the "Yellow bellied giving names," the people who blame others, for crimes they may or may not have committed. Throughout life you also find those who try and get around the truth, "Well shortcuts may slow you down," meaning there will always be obstacles you will have to face. Going into "And in the end we're bound," and "To rebound off of we," meaning as much as we try to get around things, we will always end up back where we started.

"Well dust off your thinking caps," meaning listen to what is going on but do not try and think to hard about it. Just consider what your being told, and be aware of what is happening around you. "Solar powered plastic plants," meaning we try to hard to avoid he truth. And then By having "Pretty pictures of what we ate" the only outcome is that, "We are only what we hate." We care so much about the things we do not like, it becomes part of us. And if we would just take the time to enjoy the simple things we would enjoy them much more,"But in the long run we have found, Silent films are full of sound." And when that happens we are "Inaudibly free," free of sound.

It then becomes noticeable that we start moving through life as though we are racing through it,"Slow down everyone, You're moving too fast," we need to take time out of our day to stop and enjoy the good things. "Frames can't catch you when, you're moving like that," if we do not slow down life will pass us by; like we were not even there.

"Inaudible melodies," melodies without sound. Our lives are based around guide lines,"Frame-lines tell me what to see;" but we need to think for ourselves, do not let others influence your decisions. And even the greats can take a break,"Maybe Einstein should just relax;" try not and think to hard about your choices. Just let life take you day by day, and dont let future problems scare you.

Then there are those who only believe in what is given to them,"Well Plato's cave is full of freaks." And when faced with the truth they begin,"Demanding refunds for the things they've seen;" do not doubt everything your faced with, question it, but try not to run away. "I wish they could believe, In all the things that never made the screen;" to every problem there may be more than one solution, and it is alright to explore the options.