Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Life! What can I say it tends to get confusing sometimes. It sure has its ups and downs, and the past few weeks have been kinda rough. About three weeks ago me and Derek broke up, it was hard at first but things will only get better. But I have to be honest I miss that boy sometimes. Owell thats life. Then to make things more confusing it has been hard to tell if some of my friends, are really my friends. And the one person who I wasnt too sure about at first, turned out to be one of my best friends. Yea that would be Kyrstin, me and her have been hanging out a lot lately and I know she is always there for me. Not only her I have other really great friends like: Raeven, Jordan, Cheri, and Jessica. I love you girls. Other than that, and a couple other little dramatic things, things have been about normal. I spend most of my day at school, and my nights at Ralphs. Yea I am still working there and its going on about a year and 5 months not, crazy right. Though i do get off every Tuesday and Friday so thats cool. Life is full of little surprises, you just need to take it day by day.